You won't bay-leaf the deal you can get on this Bay Double Twisted Stem 17cm Potted Tree.
Get 1 or 2 trees - supplied in a 17cm pot, 50-60cm in height
Makes a handsome addition to any garden as its dark green foliage stays attractive year-round
This bay leaf features a double stem twisted around each other for an enchanting finish
The glossy leaves are deliciously aromatic and are edible - use in any number of dishes.
Easy to grow and fully hardy, it can be pruned to keep it small or fashioned into shapes
Grow the plants in a warm, sunny position that is sheltered from cold, drying winds
In cold areas where the temperatures fall below -5ºC, place in a greenhouse or conservatory
See Full Details for how to best grow your plant
Buying Options:
34.99 pounds instead of 38.50 pounds for 1x Plant - save 9%
64.99 pounds instead of 66 pounds for 2x Plants - save 2%