British Royalty : Watch The Changing Of The Guard
We will see 20+ most iconic sights of The British Monarchy on a 3 hour walking tour. The main attraction being the Guard Change at Buckingham PalaceThis part of London is a must see for all visitors to London. We will head through Green Park to Buckingham Palace. At the Palace we will find a good spot to watch the Guard Change and also the Queens Life Guard (Mounted Body Guard) After the Guard Change we will walk down The Mall, the red coloured road that is adorned by two Royal Parks & two Royal PalacesThe Mall is the most important road in the UK where National Celebrations are held. On the Mall we will see where Prince Charles lives (Clarence House) and also where our favourite English King & his wife stand There are Palaces and Parks galore here. We will walk around this area and i tell you the history, the fun facts and figures.
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