Cleanse, cut and finish: Get rid of those pesky split ends with a cleanse and cut, with a finish to get the most out of your new style! Treatment: Give your hair a new lease of life with a cleanse, cut and finish from Joseph Elliott in Manchester. Colour and toner: If you are looking to take your new look a step further opt for a full head of colour or half a head of highlights with a toner option too! Joseph Elliott: Situated beneath the Midland Hotel, the salon provides customers with a private and relaxing atmosphere to switch off and unwind during their treatment. Hot towel treatment: After your cut indulge in a hot towel conditioning treatment that opens up the follicles and cuticles of your hair allowing essential ingredient conditioner to target your hair shafts. Deal Bonus: Get 50% off all hair services when you book in for a second visit on the day! Valid: Mon-Fri 8.30am-7pm, Sat 8.30am-6pm. Hair Cleanse, Cut And Finish | Regional | Living Social