Deal Detail
Semi-Permanent Makeup
Treatment: Feel pampered with a choice of semi-permanent makeup treatment at Skin'N'Tonic Aesthetics Powder brows: Powder brows is a semi-permanent treatment using a pin dot application to create realistic hair-like strokes, filling in gaps or thinner areas, so you can put your brow pencil down! Location: A friendly and chic aesthetics clinic in Newcastle. Valid: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm. Lip Liner: Opt for lip liner to add a beautifully colour to your lips, or for a more defined cupids bow depending on the result you want. Eyeliner: Choose top or bottom eyeliner for an eye-catching look. Microblading: Pick eyebrow microblading which is designed to give you a bolder, sharper brow. Perfect for: Anyone wanting to unleash their glamorous side. Semi-Permanent Makeup | Regional | Living Social
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£189.00 £69.00

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