Scottish Enlightenment Walking Tour in Edinburgh
My tour unpacks History in an exciting and stimulating way. Learn about the secrets,lies and myths surrounding this fascinating historical period.The people involved are revealed as human beings, not mythical historical figures. Such as Walter Scott who had polio as a child and walked with a limp. He was racked with self doubt and showed no promise as a writer at school.David Hume's father died when David was a child. His Godfather, Henry Home, was a religious man. Both were equally hated by the Church - find out why. Find out who Hume's mistress was and how she was a lady of the night. Discover how Hume was humiliated by the City Council - after he died.Adam Smith, the father of modern economics was an anti-social man who lived with his mother, frowned upon romantic love and never married. Find out how Adam Smith is now cosmologically famous!Learn how American Independence was a Scottish Revolution.OPTIONAL SANDWICHES AND WATER AT TOUR END (11.00AM TOUR ONLY): £2.00
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