Aims: Tighten and lift your eyelids and eye bags - perfect for a rejuvenated and youthful look! Blephoraplasty: Get a fabulous 'tightening and lifting' blephoraplasty treatment on the skin around your eyes. Deal Bonus: Receive 30% off further treatments when booked in on the day. Options: Choose treatment on either your upper or lower eyelid! How it works: An advanced technological method using tiny heat spots from the revolutionary fibroblast Plasma Elite device, a non-invasive treatment with no scalpels or lasers. Sol Cosmedics clinic: Based in Harley Street or Finchley, London. Valid Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat-Sun 8am-3pm. Non-Surgical Eye Lid Blepharoplasty | Regional | Living Social