Leisure access: Enjoy spa access for two-hours, with facilities including a sauna, steam room, hot tub, ice fountain and foot spa Four options: With four options including a full body sea salt polish, a luxury foot treatment, a luxury facial with a head, neck and shoulder massage or an ear candle treatment. Spa day: Experience complete indulgence with a two-hour spa day at Safiya's Retreat. 30-min treatment: Fully indulge with your choice of a 30-minute treatment to have you feeling at your most gorgeous in no time. Facial pack: Take home a facial sample pack to continue the spa serenity at home. Safiya's Retreat: Based at the gorgeous Safiya's Retreat spa in Bolton. Valid: Tue-Fri: 10am-5pm and Sat: 9am-6pm. 2Hr Spa Access & 30-Min Treatment | Regional | Living Social