Samsung Galaxy Active or Gear S3 Frontier Smart Watch
Samsung Galaxy Active or Gear S3 Frontier Smart Watch
Keep track of your life with a Samsung Galaxy Active or Gear S3 Frontier Smart Watch.
Choose from 2 models: Galaxy Active 40mm SM-R500 or Gear S3 Frontier SM-R760
Keep up with your life by getting your calls, messages and other notifications on your watch
4GB of integrated storage ensures there is ample space for all your extra features and content
With a Tizen operating system to ensure optimum accuracy
Heart-rate monitor and GPS tracking features are ideal for monitoring your exercise
Connect your watch to Wi-Fi to sync all of your data and track it on the Samsung App
Water-resistant so it's safe against sweat, rain and everyday splashes
Galaxy Active features a fitness tracker to monitor a range of different exercises
See Full Details for specifications
Grade A Refurbished: Full working order in like-new condition
Buying Options:
99.99 pounds instead of 1.9 pounds for the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active - save 50%
149.99 pounds instead of 2.5 pounds for the Samsung Watch Gear S3 Frontier - save 43%