☞ JK Rowling's Edinburgh and the Writing of Harry Potter 4hrs
JK Rowling... she’s sold a few books - what?!✒ On this tour, we dive deep into her history. Learn to use failure as a springboard, be inspired, stay committed & conquer the world. Discover the events that moved her & the cafes which fueled her. Experience how, through a caffeine-charged imagination, a penniless single mother put a dent in the Muggle-verse.◘ Learn the entire genesis of Potter, from lightning striking on a Manchester train to becoming a pillar of British culture & shaping generations.◘ Reviewers say it’s a good introduction to our Hogwartian old town, discover fabulous gothic scenes off the Muggle-track, the stonework of Rowling's imagination.◘ There’s magic, I never got my letter so I’m giving you yours.✒ Darker than a prison of Azkaban cell, more brilliant than all the gold in Gringotts, 4 hours long for those with double the love. Stand on the shoulders of Rowling, Nimbus-charge your originality & drive; fill that aching Potter shaped hole inside ϟ
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