Oxford Inspires! (Private Day Excursion from London)
Lump in the throat that comes from Alma mater nostalgia? Surge of love-hate emotions tied up with classrooms and profs? Pretty much a given…on the cobbled streets of the oldest university of the English speaking world, with your enthusiastic historian-guide.Cover the obligatory stops, including Bridge of Sighs at Hertford College, New College, University Library, Sheldonian Theatre, Christ Church Radcliffe Camera building. Get your head around the unique college-system of Oxford and Cambridge and the infamous ‘Town and Gown Wars’. Shiver at stories of Oxford martyrs burning at the stake.Explore movie locations - Harry Potter, Bridshead Revisited, Inspector Morse. Literature buffs can celebrate, because Oxford has inspired many works of fiction from JRR Tolkein, CS Lewis, Lewis Carroll, and JK Rowling.Lunch with a dreamy view of the River Isis to stir up more brainpower. If you’re up for it, climb up a 74′ bell tower for a drone-view of those dreamy spires. A day well spent.
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