Deal Detail
The St James to Mayfair Walk: The Swinging 1660s to the 1960s
A fascinating walk from St James to Carnaby Street. We will start our journey in Green Park and hear why an event here caused an 18th century three hour traffic jam on London Bridge. We will also find out why there are no flowers in Green Park. We will walk past St James Palace, where King Charles spent his last night before his execution. We will visit London's old wine and spirits shop. We will see where Texas fearing an invasion set up a ligation. We will see St James Square, one of London's oldest squares. We will see a number of Gentlemens clubs. And one that still in the 21st century has a No Women policy. We will then visit St James Church and Burlington Arcade. Here we will see the Beadles, the oldest police force in the world. We will hear why whistling is banned, unless you are a certain pop legend! We will visit Savlle Row and hear about Churchill's unpaid tailors bill. We will also see where the Beatles played their final gig on a rooftop in January 1969.
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