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Get Good At Slides - Powerpoint for Speakers Masterclass
Don\'t do death by powerpoint ever again!!Learn how to engage an audience for maximum impact- don\'t just use Powerpoint / Keynote, use it to make you shine!World Class Powerpoint! Learn how to make TED quality slidesby Lee Jacksonis a series of over 35short (and often funny) videos (plus loads and loads of extras) from Lee Jackson one of the world\'s experts on creating presentation slides that help, not hinder, your talks. Lee takes the research andcontent of his Amazon best-selling book \'Powerpoint Surgery\' (hence the surgeons outfit!) and has turned it into an online masterclass for anyone who wants to make their slides more effective and their talks more engaging.Anypresentationsoftware is relevant here, not just Powerpoint!If you or your workplace is addicted to bullet points andtalks sometimelack impact or engagement then this course is for you and your colleagues. Simple, effective advice on simplifying your slides to help you look more like an accomplished professional TED speaker not a grey business person delivering a financial proposal of 567 bullet points to an audience wanting it to end!There are lots of great videos with some screen sharestoo showing you how to make your MicrosoftPowerpoint, Apple Keynote ,Prezi, orHaiku Deck slides more impactful to create a much better presentation. PLUS the freeextras include 100 free photos,articles, links and downloads!Lee is full-time professional speaker with over 20 years experience speaking to some of the worlds toughest audiences, he has also delivered a TEDx talk. So, learn from a Pro not a trainer who\'s read a manual - Lee\'s experience and expertise heremakes all the difference. Practical, down-to-earth and sometimes even funny is the style of this course. \'Death-by-powerpoint\'would become a thing of the past if everypresentertook this course.Guaranteed.Enjoy, learn and succeed.Extras include over three hours of audio, articles, links and downloads including the wholecourse on MP3!Don\'t forget-anypresentationsoftware is relevant here, not just Powerpoint!Learn howto engage an audience for maximum impact- don\'tjust use Powerpoint, use it to make you shine!


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