This new edition has hundreds of new idioms and examples.
Learn idioms in context and know how and when to use them. More than 100 of the most frequently used idioms in English today. Hundreds of new idioms and examples. It also has more notes to help with difficult vocabulary, study pages, exercises and pictures to aid learning and add interest.Learners recognise that learning vocabularyis essential.Here you can find information, articles, and lessons and ideas to supportyour language learning.Course summary:Learn whats involved in speaking fluently in English and discover newtechniques.Discover new ways to practise and assess vocabulary and pronunciation to helpyou use language communicatively.Suitable for:This course is ideal ifYou are a non-native English speaker and you want to use English moreaccurately and effectively. You are a native English speaker and you want to adjust the language you useto be more useful.You are finding pronunciation difficult.You want to increase your vocabulary.You find idioms challenging or confusing.You want to make idioms more enjoyable to learn.This course is about learning idioms.You should already have B2 level English or higher. This course is appropriate for any level of experience.Awards:Certificate of CompletionYour certificate is awarded at the end of the course.Aims:Words really are the driving force of language. They\'re the most importantbuilding blocks in how we express what we want to say. Pronunciation is how wesay it, and this is important too: This course will help you understand what itmeans to know a idiom, and equip youwith the key terms, techniques and methods for you to use idioms effectively in speech.When asked what they want to improve, many learners say they want to speakEnglish better, or speak more fluently.. This course explores how we can helpthem do this and includes a range of activities that focus on speech andfluency specifically.You need to use English appropriately and confidently. This includes bothhaving a strong grasp of the way the language works, and also using the rightlanguage at the right time. This course explains the kinds of language youshould use.Together this ensures you use English in the best way.Finally youll learn how to apply this knowledge.Most of all, youll see how idiomlessons can be fun and motivating as well as useful.The course first explores what it means to be good at these skills.By taking this course, youll learn How to learn vocabulary skills more confidently.The best ways to use English.Methods: Online Self-StudyRead and complete exercises, from anywhere with an Internet connection. Video, text and interactive activities to reinforce understanding. Discussion forums on the course. End-of-course quiz provides feedback and suggests areas for revision.Course duration: 1 - 2 hours of study This is an estimate. How long the course takes will depend on the amount of time you spend on the course activities, posting to the forums, etc. Lifetime accessThis is how long youll have access to the course once you enrol.Units: Some interesting idiom meanings Unit (1-11) Idiom = a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words (Let the cat out of the bag is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.) Idiomatic = containing expressions that are natural to a native speaker of a language (She speaks fluent and idiomatic English.) 30.00 Price
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