Spring Boot For Software Engineers
After receiving more than 150 thousands on youtube. My video on is the most popular video for learning Spring Boot in under 50 minutes. A lot viewers asked for a course and here it is.This course is packed with over 6 hours of awesome content where you will learn the followingN Tier ArchitectureIf you not sure how to structure applications. This course will teach you how to your classes in the right place.Restful API with Spring MVCand the most know HTTP Methods. i.e GET, POST, PUT, DELETEUnit testingWriting software is not just writing code with proving that it actually works.You will learn how to unit test classes using JUnit, Mockito BDD style and Assertj.How serialise and deserialise java class to JSON objects using Jackson FasterXmlSpring Depedency InjectionRemoving the new keyword for services and data access class has great advantages and its something that you must know.JaxRS and RestEasySpring MVC is great but it does not implement JaxRS specification.You will learn how to create Restful APIs with RestEasyRestEasy Client APIChoosing the perfectrest client is difficult.RestEasy makes it easy to create proxy to any API.Integration TestsIn this course you will learn how to write integration tests to ensure all components and classes work together.Java Bean Validation APIThis API allows us to have annotations in JavaPOJOS to define allowed values for properties and required propertiesRefactoringHow to package and spin upthe application as .JAR filePerhaps you want to learn how to build enterpriseapplications, or want to improve your skills in the Java world or even hunting for your next job as a software engineer. Well this course prepares you for all scenarios and I can guarantee you that will become a better software engineer after taking this course.Become part of the 150thousand people that have benefited from learning Spring Boot with me.Enrol now and I will see you inside.
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