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Guitar Lessons - Soloing With Arpeggios - Essential Guide
Everything you ever wanted to know about arpeggios, but were afraid to ask! This mammoth series of lessons spans 34 video lessons and weighs in at over 5 hours of great guitar tuition, taught by top UK session guitarist, Bobby Harrison.FretHub presents an in-depth study on spicing up lead breaks using arpeggios and locating chord tones. Learn the CAGED shapes for major, minor, diminished, major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 7th & minor 7 flat 5 arpeggios, allowing you to solo freely all over the neck. The series of lessons also covers arpeggio substitution, 2 note-per-string arpeggio shapes, string skipping ideas, David Gilmour-esque mini-sweeps, funky rhythm guitar playing and if that wasnt enough, Bobby finishes by teaching you how to play the solo from the introduction video!


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