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Exploring Churches: Gain Insights to Enhance Your Visit.
In this informative guide you will learn why Englishchurches are designed as they are, the purpose of many items found in them andsome interesting historical facts which add further insights. English churches share many features in common with otherChristian churches across the world, so much the knowledge gained by takingthis course can easily be applied to your local church or when you visit achurch while travelling.Starting with a general introduction to English churchbuildings you will be led on a tour from the steeple to the sanctuary. Alongthe way you will discover some engaging snippets from history and otherinteresting facts. Through the many images used you will be able to seeexamples of the various things described.This is an introduction to what is really a large subjectand even if you are already familiar with churches you are likely to find outthings you did not know before.What you discover here will be a useful guide when you visitchurches. You will be able to explain to those visiting with you somethingabout the various things you see.


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