Google Analytics for Shopify: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide
If you\'ve ever runan online business, you\'ll probablyunderstand how hard it can beto identify your target audience to begin with, and to then minimise your Ad Spend, while trying to maximise your Revenue.By using the correct Google Analytics setup, and learning how to strategically analyse and apply data from yourGoogle Analytics account, you can fine-tune your marketing and advertising to sky-rocket your Shopifybusiness, without adding a single penny extra to your marketing budget! In fact, you can often save money after learning howto use Google Analyticsto your advantage!In this course you will follow me step-by-step, a six-figure Shopify Entrepreneurand Bestselling Udemy Instructor,as I guide you through exactly how to do it.You\'ll receive an initial overview of howto link Shopify and Google Analytics, followed by a comprehensive walkthrough of the key areas you should be familiar with in the Analytics dashboard.Following this, we\'l set up some Goals andFunnels to help us track our Revenue, and we\'ll create 5 incredibly important Custom Reports that will help us to pin-point when and where you should be focusing your marketing and advertising. I\'ll also provide you a deeper walkthrough of how to analyse data about Locations, Languages, Ages, Genders, Devices and more...in order tofurther yourunderstanding of how exactlyto analyse and then apply your data. This is where you\'llsee the truepower of Google Analytics!Following thestrategies provided within this course, I have managed to halvemy Cost per Acquisition throughFacebook Ads, and have had a Cost per Acquisition on Google AdWords of less than $1!Don\'tbelieve me?Check out the Proof Section of this course absolutely FREE. I show you SOLID PROOF of my ability to turn 5 in to 1000 through Google Analytics and Google AdWords.Using the strategies I show you in this Course, I have been able to generate over 1000 inrevenue on one of my Shopify stores from less than 5 in advertising spend on Google AdWords. Obviously, this isn\'t representative of my average Return on Ad Spend, but it does demonstrate how incredibly important it is tohave thecorrect Google Analytics set up for your Shopify website. Without the correct set up and knowledge of how to properly useGoogle Analytics data to your advantage, you\'re never going to exceed your business goals and sky-rocket your business.Without following the tips and tricks I show you in this Course, I would never have been able to achieve such amazing results.So if you want to learn how to collect, analyse and then apply Google Analytics data to your own businessto take it to the next level, you shouldjoin me inside the course and we\'ll get started.All the best,Adam Reed
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