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CLARINET KICKSTART! Getting Started with Ease and Speed.
At 1 hour 20 minutes long\"Clarinet Kickstart\" is the core beginners content of the long coaching programme \'Take Note Beginner Clarinet\'This isabout getting the fundamentals of playing right!it will provide you witha solid foundation on which to build your skill set.All the vital facts are niched into one package. Direct and to the point there is nothing here that is irrelevant or unimportant. Step by step the material makes the playingeasy andwill get you going as quickly as possible.The course focuses on specific areas in turn the Clarinet itself, how it is handled, how the sound is made, how to read music with understanding, how to feel and play with a pulse and bring the music alive and finally, all the skills are brought together to play some tunes,when you will enjoyplaying along with the accompaniments.You will learn to...Assemblethe clarinet perfectly so it works perfectly.Handle it so it feels easy to play.Use a sling for supportif needed appreciate how the neck position and length of the sling can make a difference to the sound.Imagine the shape of the columnair as you start to control the sound.Play with a well-formed mouth position your \"embouchure\" make sound production easy.Use theTongue to articulate the notes.Understand how the music is written and identify the notes and rests on the stave.Feelthe pulse as youthinkthe counting of the rhythms of the notes in your head.Learn the first notes and exercise your fingers.Play with the accompaniments firstly play along with the tune then have a \"soloist\" experience as you play the tune against independent accompaniments.ENYOY YOUR PLAYING AS YOU KEEP THINGS SIMPLE.Byfocusing your full attention on only the most helpful habits you will achieve great results.Thewhole course will only take you an hour and a half to watch through but because ALL THE CONTENT IS IMPORTANT you need to work on this for some considerable time till you habitually play in the best way, and even then IT IS WISE TO REVISE THIS MATERIAL FROM TIME TO TIME.You have nothing to loose! Get your playing on track and do not practise in unhelpful habits that will impair your playing in the future.SIGNUP FOR THIS COURSE NOW AND GET SOME IMMEDIATE BENEFIT


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