Barefoot Doctor\'s Way Strongo Qigongo
Imagine spending 90 minutes getting high and finding yourself twice as fit and healthy the next day.When a Taoist wants to get superfit for summer the Taoist doesnt sweat. The Taoist doesnt strain. The Taoist doesnt do anything to make a blood vessel bulge. A Taoist doesnt get out of breath. A Taoist hardly raises a pulse rate. A Taoist doesnt wear Lycra or go peddling in a slave galley or gym.But how does a Taoist do that? You may ask.How does a Taoist spend just 90 minutes getting really high, without expending any energy to talk of, enjoying each of the 90 minutes more than the one before, having great personal fun, in full communication mode with the playful loving, nature of the cosmic presence, feeling totally restored, then almost as if nothing happened aside from a resounding sensation of a big beautiful bird after a pleasant migratory flight with no headwind and a helpful tailwind all the way, soak after in a hot Epsom salt bath, and the very next day look and feel twice as toned and supple, agile and lithe as that Taoist did even just the day before?The simple answer to that mystery is that Taoist does something we in the contemporary West call WAY-STRONGO QIGONGO.WAY-STRONGO QIGONGOa megablaster workout that makes you superfit superfastBut to call it that could be giving you the wrong impression. It could conjure up images of buff-muscled sweat-panted personal trainers shouting instructions at you over cheap techno on a nearly distorting bass-amplified Bluetooth cylindrical speaker through a Bluetooth feed off that personal trainers phone. It could take you back to physical education as they had the audacity to call it, and any residue of possible childhood competition trauma or confusion born of that, and make you nervous to the challenge.In fact nothing could be further from the truth.No sweatpants, no cheap techno, no shouting, no strain.Yes that Taoist would concentrate and give full attention to proceedings, honoring each segment of each portion of each move like NASA honors a new galaxy theyve just spotted. But that Taoist would be cooler than John Coltrane on a breezy summer evening .And at the same time nothing could be closer to the truth. Because it is, in fact, exacting. It is in fact a challenge to relax that much while in the midst of concentrated movement. And it is in fact a challenge to allow yourself to enjoy something so much so programed to suffer and struggle are we.If you would really love to spruce yourself up and be fit, lean, lithe and slender like a superfly queen or king (you choose), and if you reckon you have the guts and you have the gumption, and if you reckon youll enjoy following along a super-clear set of videos just made in the heart of Olde Englands green, pleasant and increasingly xenophobic land,I issue you a challenge...The challengeAnd the challenge is this and it doesnt matter what experience of moving your body in time and space you have, it doesnt matter what state youre in provided you can move all four limbs in an upright position, it doesnt matter how much of a blob you think you are, or how much of a superhero for that matter the challenge is youDo this WAY-STRONGO QIGONGO with me (online) it takes five days, max, but you can do it all in one fat 90 minute go if youre up to it either way you get to do that after five days anyway and you return afterwards twice as fit.And to be fair to you and to honor the discipline the Taoist hailed from, that Taoist would also tell you theregular QIGONGO form is the way to keep it going and growing subsequently likewise if youve been canny enough to have already taken QIGONGO as your own and are regularly practicing, giving yourself a blast of WAY-STRONGO QIGONGO will propel you quantum into such a profoundly altered state of fresh super-power for want of a less Hollywood expression youll hardly recognize yourself in the bathroom mirror.DONT FEEL EMBARRASSED TO DISROBE ON THE BEACH, BY THE POOL,AT THE GYM, IN THE BOUDOIR ANY LONGER GET WAY-STRONGO QIGONGOWARNING & DISCLAIMERWay-Strongo Qigongo is a powerful form of exercise. Wait two hours after eating before practicing. Do not use this training while driving, cycling, operating heavy machinery, flying light aircraft, conducting serious business or political negotiations, or in dark alleys in dangerous sectors of large cities at night.If you follow the instructions properly and go at your own pace and with your current state of energy, and dont push it, this practice will benefit.If youre pregnant, or suffering from any potentially serious condition of the cardio-vascular, respiratory, musculo-skeletal, lymphatic, renal, hepatic neurological, or psychological systems, consult your physician, and/or if unsure whether youre able to follow the instructions properly consult your physician, electrician, chiropodist, or anyone you like but no one connected with Barefoot Doctor Global including Barefoot Doctor, will be held liable.
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