The Beginners Guide to Mindfulness
I have put togetherThe Beginners Guide to Mindfulnessas I would like the practice to be as accessible as possible to everyone. I believe that learningthe practice ofmindfulness is one of the most valuable gifts you can offer yourself, as the benefits that can follow cantransformeverything in your life, including mind, body and relationships.I have been practicingmindfulnessfor over 20years, and havebeen teaching it as a fully qualified yoga teacher for nearly a decade. During this mindfulnesscourse you will benefit from this wealth of experience, learning amongst other things that mindfulness is apractice thatanyone can benefit from.This course will teach youjargon free,effective mindfulness practicethatgivesyou a clear way to understand and learnfromany othermeditation pathsyou come across after further reading. This course is a Beginners guideand offers afantastic introduction to mindfulness, but bear in mind that this is just only just the start of your journey. If anybody suggests, that theircourse or school tells you everything you need to know, you may want to... well meditate on it.In the yoga world, we like to think that everybody is potentially your teacher, especially your students.The time investment neededto see benefit from this course varies (and depends on the benefit sought), but manypeoplenoticepositive changesafter practising foronly90 minutes per weekfor 3-4weeks. Thisof course also needs to be maintained long term!Mindfulness is probably one of most essential life skills you can learn. I hope one day it will form part of school curriculums*, butUdemy is a great place to start, rememberits never too late to learn!Thank you for dropping by, Ihope to welcome you to the course soon,Here\'s to the start to a new & exciting journey...Laura Watson*I am honoured and delighted to have played a part in getting meditation (as part of an overall yoga practice) into theprimary &secondary education system in Kent regionin the UK.
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