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Beat Insomnia: Sleep Better Tonight Using Proven Techniques
I have put togetherBeat Insomnia: Sleep Better Tonight Using Proven Techniquesas Istrongly believe that many people around the world are suffering needlessly, and governments and healthcare professionals are oftenletting them down. In fact statistics from the Sleep Health Foundation show that up to 30% of people you know will experience insomnia at some point in their lives despite many people living more comfortable lives than ever before...If you believe thatyou or somebody important to youin your life may be affected by insomnia, often a by productof anxietythis course is for you! It explains what insomniais from a medical perspective, ittakes you the different stages of sleepand even includes a self-assessment with instructions on next steps, along with information you can take to your friendly local doctor. This is very important, as sometimes the key symptoms that are causing insomnia can look likeanxiety, but thiscan be incorrectly diagnosed. Not many Udemy courses recognise this important fact.Everything discussed in this course is rooted in science, but Ihave tried to simplify the jargon so its abiteasier to listen to. As a fully qualifiedyoga teacher with over 20 years meditation experienceI believe that much can be achieved by working with the mind, but Iknow that this activity must be supported by a heathy and strong body that is heavily dependent on sleep. It is for this reason that on the course you will learn to manage insomnia from both a physical and mental perspective. This course is suitable for all studentsand offers aproven path to access the important stages of sleep your body and mind crave. Meditation and sleep hacks (tricks and tips)formthe bulk of the learning material, pleasebear in mind though that this isonlythe start of your journey. If anybody suggests, that theircourse or school tells you everything you need to know, you may want to... well meditate on it.In the yoga world, we like to think that everybody is potentially your teacher, especially your students.The time investment neededto see benefit from this course varies, but manypeoplenoticepositive changesafter practising the meditationforonly90 minutes per weekfor 3-4weeks. Regarding the sleep hacks, thesecan be integrated into your daily routine, and the amount you do to begin with will depend on your situation and resources.Thank you for dropping by, Ihope to welcome you to the course soon,Here\'s to a health life with more sleep andless anxiety, fear & stress!Laura Watson


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