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Essential Life Coaching Skills Certification
This life coach \'life coaching certification\'course will equip you with what you needto create asuccessful professional lifecoaching career. You willdevelop your skills and learn how to create andstructure coaching programs with your clients to givethem the success they are looking for. Transforming your career is just a few clicks away!.Uniquely, thiscoursefeatures video footage captured at our live Association for Coaching Accredited Coach Training Sessions.This will helpheighten your training experience and see new life coach students in action. Deliveredby Steve Payne,an expert International LifeCoach, published personal developmentauthor and one of very fewCertified Master Trainers ofNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in the world, the course mixes studio and live training videos, graphics, downloads,text, quizzes and tests to help you chart your progress. The course also mixes elements of neuroscience, positive psychology and NLP. These elements only serve to deepen the skills of the life coach.OurPhilosophy behindthisLife Coach Training courseWe have a 1-2-3 approach to lifecoaching. After understandingthe client\'s goal, we 1) Understand the way the client views the world (their values, beliefs and interpretations), 2) understand the client\'s triggers and traits (what they like and dislike doing) and 3) create strategies based on the first two elements.Success in life coaching comes from clients achieving their goals.In order for a life coach to help a client put strategies in place that succeed, they need to ensure that the clientcompletestasks that move them forward. They need to also ensure the client has a growth mindset based on personal empoweringbeliefs. For that reason our life coaching course focuses on understanding how individuals think and create their \'model of the world\', what beliefs empower themand what beliefs hold them back, what is important to them,what they dislike and what they love. Only then can we make sure that the strategies we put in place, along with the client, have the greatest chance of success. This in turn will help us achieve more with our clients, create more clients through positiveword-of-mouth referrals,and find greater success as a life coach.So what are the skills of a successful life coach?You will learn:How to understand peopleHow to buildtrusting relationshipsHow to listen like an expertHow to help others develop successfulstrategiesHow to ask the right questionsHow to create tasks as a lifecoachHow to develop a growth mindsetAs a life coach, you will show others strategies for how to succeed in life by setting goals. Setting goals and achieving them requires clients tofollowprocessesand this course has a number of processesthat willhelp withthis.By the end of this course, you will have the confidence tomake a real difference to the lives of others, and, just as importantly, to your own life! You will be able to help your clients gainclarity and focus, after all,what is life withoutpurpose or intention? You willbe able tohelp yourclientsknow what theywant, how to get there, and provide strategies foraction.The course will alsobe updated regularly, to provide you with the very latest information and greater depth.This course comes with a certificate of completion when you have finished all the modules.


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