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I Am Happy - Transformational Happiness Project.
Why is Happiness so important right now?We are going through life with so muchpain, loneliness, suffering and avoidance to look inside.We tend tosee happiness as a future moment when we can afford a bigger house,when we can buy a new car, when we find the perfect partner, when the childrengrow up, when we retire. Have you noticed that when you achieved your goals the better job, the bigger house, the new partner there is always somethingmore for you to set your heart on? It seems that no matter what we achieve,fulfilment is always beyond our grasp, we can experience happiness for a periodof time but then go back to our original state.We are left unsatisfied, unfulfilled, afeeling that something missing inside a gap. And this gap we only can findinside ourselves.Happiness is our true nature and state ofbeing, however many of us keep searching outside.I grew up a very unhappy child. I wastraumatised at the age of 7 which left me with deep wounds and sadness in myheart.I do not remember any happy memoriesfrom my childhood at all as my parents were fighting all the time. My motherwas often crying because they did not have enough money and my father wasmostly drunk.Later, I found out that I was unwantedchild. This came out later in my life in the form of self-rejection,non-acceptance, a feeling of not wanting to be here and a deep inner emptiness.I really wanted to be happy and I keptsearching outside, thinking that someone will come and save me or I will find aperfect partner who would make me happy.Even after I achieved some thingsexternally which made me feel satisfied in the short term, I still felt a gapand inner emptiness a feeling that something is missing.Only after years of suffering I realisedthat true happiness can only be achieved through self-discovery, by goinginside and reconnecting with yourself. Facing and healing your deeper woundsand filling that missing gap with self-love and forgiveness.This Happiness Project is based on theprinciple: finding your true self and connecting to your light within where youexperience continuous joy, peace, freedom and fulfillment.This Happinesscourseofferpractical toolsand exercises that will help you to rewire your mindandfindhappiness from within.It consists of short videos, readingmaterials,meditations and daily actions. It only takes 20-30 min per day to do the practice.


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