Found Sound & Sampling in Ableton Live
In this 14-partcoursewe aim to teach you everything you need to know to get started with sampling,recording and manipulating found sounds for use in your productions.This course has beendesigned to focus on the recording and manipulation processes from a beginners perspective, however we do touch on some advanced topics. This ensures that you will be able to follow along and benefit from this course irregardless of your current level ofexperience.The course includes videos covering: introduction tofound sound and why we shoulduse it Types of microphone &their uses Basics of the Tascam field recorder Recording ambiences &atmospheres Recording household &resonant objects Sampling from vinyl records Found Sound Manipulation Kick Synthesis from found sound Bass synthesis from found sound Percussion Layering Re-amping Creating &Implementing found sound instrument racksAfter watching this courseyou\'ll be capable of implementing a range of recording,synthesis &sampling techniques to capture &create unique sounds to use within your projects.If you feel like your productions have gone a bit stale,lackasense of depth, or just feel like they need spicingup abitwith some organic and unique sounds, then this course isfor you!Likewise,if you have recently purchased a field recorder from companies such asTascam orZoom and wish to learn more about how to use itthen this course is also for you. There is no necessity to use a field recorderto take this coursehowever we recommend usingone as they are purpose built for thetask of capturing found sound.Thanks for listening and we hope to see you on the course!
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