Unlock Your Drumming: Hand Technique for Beginners (Part 1)
Learning to playthe drums should be fun, and there is no reason to beoverwhelmed with information and rules from the very beginning when all you want to do is play. That\'s why Ihave created this course. You\'ll be playing the drums within minutes, and tracking yourprogress straight away.This is an introductionto drummingtechnique for complete beginners.Although the concepts involvedmight besophisticated, there is no reason why they should be presented in aboring humdrum way.That\'s whyall oftheexercises in this course are to beplayed withbacking tracks that have beenespecially writtenso you can experience howthese exercises will be usedinyour drumming from the very beginning.Throughout thisfive part course you will learn the basic hand techniques that are usedall the timeindrummingand areuniversalto any style you want to play. These concepts are known and used by all professional drummers, yet they are often overlooked or misunderstood by beginners, ortaught too latewhen bad habits are already engrained.In Part 1of the course you will learn:How to correctly hold the drum sticksHow to grip the sticks using the best balance and motion possibleHow to play with natural rebound strokesThe three foundation rudiments:single strokes, double strokes and paradiddles;and how you can createinversionsof these to make differentsticking patternsHow to play in time witha click track or backing trackHow to practice effectively and track your progressInsider methodsforpracticing exercises up to speed straight awayIncluded are 13exercise routines with 5different backing tracks to practice along to. These tracks are divided into7 different speeds (35 tracks in total), providinga fun, musicalway to track your progress. All the while you\'ll be increasing your speed, control and accuracy at the drums.Once you have completed this course you will have a solid foundation to your drumtechnique and in a position to learn the more advanced techniques needed in later parts of the course.I\'ve been teaching the drums for over 10 years, and taken 100\'s of students through their first steps in making music. This course concentrates on the issues they wanted to know, when they needed to know it, and is the result ofyears of demonstrating andexplaining these concepts in the most easilyunderstandableandactionable way I\'ve found possible.Enrol nowtounlock your drumming and begin your musical journey today.
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