Spanish for Beginners. The Complete Method. Level 3.
FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIAL STRUCTURESAND VOCABULARY IN A MATTER OF HOURS, NOT YEARS!Learnbasic communicative Spanish with the easy to follow, carefully graded method for complete beginners.The method allows you to: Talk non-stop from the very start. Produce thousands of practical phrases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at A1 and A2 level. Progress without effort, without the need to memorise or \"study\" in the traditional sense.ALLOWYOURSELFTOBECARRIEDAWAYBYTHEMETHOD.\"Tell me and I willforget, teach me and I may remember, involve meand I learn.\"(Benjamin Franklin)ELMTODOwill allow you to use and understand basic Spanishin a matter of hours, without the need for memorisation or lengthy explanations. This is achieved through acarefully designed methodthat builds up the language in your mind,step by step, until you are able to form relatively complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be speaking and forming your own sentences, effortlesslyabsorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through basic Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.ELMTODO does not teach you theory, itteaches you to speak Spanish and helps you achieve this in much less time than traditional methods.LEARN NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn ELMTODO as in real life,learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The processcontinues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposureto new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these areacquiredfor life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?ELMTODO, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After everylessonthere is a series of written exercises as well an optional musical task.We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk,talk and talk. You won\'t stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Spanish.My goal with ELMTODOis for you to become \"hooked\" on the method therebymastering basic Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck!
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