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Get Motivated Today with 20 Motivation Tips & 7 Downloads!
WELCOME to my Latest Course on MOTIVATION! In this Course I  will be Talking about and Strengthening your Personal Motivation! we will also be talking about Grounding your Body...sometimes we need to balance our Spiritual side-of our Mind and Body! How did last year go for you? Were you on Track? Did you stay Motivated in the things you wanted to try! Or did you run out of MOTIVATION! Its a Fresh New Year Join me on this Course and I will do my very Best to Get you Motivated this Year! This Course is an Exciting look at Motivation! How it Works and What We can do to Motivate our self better!What gets us Personally Motivated? = Well even reading the things in this Course,can get us Motivated and Switched on! - Motivation - can also be many many things! = Maybe we are fed up with one part of our Life! -Maybe we want to move because those around us are Negative and Drain us of our Energy! - Maybe we are being Driven Forwards by the things we truly Love doing! - Our Passions also keep us Motivated! - Maybe we have found our Purpose in this Life,and that Purpose is calling us for Change! - Maybe its a Shock in our Life that Creates Change for our Motivation! - Maybe its Depression that is affecting us and we want change from that! - Maybe we have fallen in Love and that Starts off our Motivation in some way! - Maybe its a Hobby we enjoy doing and we want to expand on that! - Or maybe we want a Fresh Career Move,and that means working for yourself! whatever it is that Creates our Motivation,we could always do with More of it in our Life! So we have to have a reason for getting Motivated Don\'t we!What helps our Motivation? = Well Focus helps - Positive thinking - Planning - Our Imagination of seeing it Happen,in our Minds Eye! - talking to others that have done it - Being around Positive Motivated People! - Feeding Ones Mind on Positive things! - Charting our Progress! - Wanting to make Our self Happier! - Wanting to Please our Partner! - Affirmations can also help! - Self Hypnosis - Meditation - Relaxation - Exercise! - Winning the Lottery (That\'s a joke but yes it would help lol ) - Growing Mentally - Spiritual Growth - Helping Others! - Progressing! - Getting Qualifications in a Subject we Enjoy! - Bringing in more Money also Motivates us! - Wanting to Eat Better! - Wanting to Tone up our Body! - That is just a Few I\'ve Rattled off there are loads more! (#SFP - find out in this course what this # is all about)What are you personally doing this Year to better Motivate Yourself ? It is time to Live out your Dreams my Friend-so get Planning-You are a Creator now get Creating!YOU GOT THIS! I have Faith you can do anything you put your Mind to!(REMEMBER = STRENGTH COMES FROM THE MIND) it then Motivates the Body into Action!So this Fresh New Year-Get Yourself More Motivated than You did Last Year...and You can\'t go far wrong! Lectures in this Course1/ Introduction-on Motivation!2/ What does this Course Cover?3/ What Gets You Motivated?4/ 25 Picture Quotes made by Me to get you more Positive and Motivated!5/ Staying Positive in Life!6/ How to use your Six PDF Motivation Sheets,from this Course! = 1:Weekly Happy Planner PDF-2:Goal Sheet PDF-3:Driving Poster-4:Hill Motivation Poster-5:=10 Affirmations for Confidence & 6:Instructions Sheet...7/ Exercise and Grounding helps with our Motivation!8/ Say after me-Your 10 Affirmations for Confidence!9/ Walk with Me-and I will show you 10 more ways to get Motivated!10/ 10 more Motivation Hacks!So thank you for joining me on this Course-Remember I have given you 6 PDF Sheets to Keep-Including Two Posters-and will tell you how to use them in Lecture 6...It is Now your Time to get yourself More Motivated in 2019! It is Never to late to become the Person you have always wanted to be! So what are You waiting for--LETS GET MOTIVATED! SEE YOU ON THE NEXT LECTURE!  See You in a Bit...{KEEP GOING} Sending you Love MK X


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