Mastering Kubernetes - Concepts & Deployment
Kubernetes wasone of the 10 opensource project of 2017 and it will remain in the list for 2018 as well. If you have ever worked with docker you know that having a really good orchestration tool is very much needed to manage multiple docker containers running on different nodes. You have many choices to choose to from like docker swarm, mesos, nomad and kubernetes. every tool has its own advantages but kubernetes is clearly winning the competition because of following reasons.Completely OpensourceInnovated by software giant GoogleEasy to extendLargest community for the projectMany cloud providers supportNo lock in - Docker or RktAuto healing architectureTruely multi cloudMany installation optionsVery flexible architecturePeople with kubernetes skills are very much in demand at the moment. If you are in UK and working as a independent ITconsultant with a knowledge of kubernetes, You can easily target a daily rate of 600 and a permanent job of around 80000 basic a year.
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