Complete Beginner\'s Guide to Songwriting
Have you always wanted toget intosongwriting but haveabsolutely no idea where to start?Have you tried to write a song but were just guessing the whole time about what to play?Do you get frustrated because no matter what you play it just doesn\'t soundquiteright?Maybe you\'ve written a song or two that you\'rehappywith, but you\'relooking for ways to take your songwriting to the next level?If you\'ve answered YES! to anyof these questions, then this course will knockyou off your feet.This course is a 1h15m, densely packed,step-by-step songwriting guidethat willlead you to writing countless greatsongs. It willgive you a formula you can use over and over againto create chord progressions that you love and just can\'t stop playing. You\'ll learn the exact approach to songwritingthat all the greats use, and I will show you how easy it really is to write a good song.You\'ll learn what chords go well together in both major and minor keys and which ones to avoid, andto help you alongwith the writing process, there\'smanyexamples of famous hitsto show you it in great practice.By the end of the course I promise thatyou will have a great understanding of chordharmony and songwriting, and thatyou\'ll be able to write the songs you\'ve always wanted to compose.If you can\'t write a song thatyou\'re happy with within 30 days of purchasing this course, thenI will gladly give you a full refund of your money.But I\'m not too worried, as you\'ll likelybe able to write a song after just the first few lessons!Here\'s just a few of thesongwriting topics that you\'lllearn about: HarmonyWriting in bothMajor and minor keysWhich chords work together & which don\'tMany famous song examplesMusic TheoryHow to write using scalesChord extensionsTabs/scores included for every lessonThe songwriting lessons taught in this coursetook me years of study andpractice, however it doesn\'t have totake youthat long. And that\'s why I created this course, because I want you to be able to write songs that you\'re happy with, within a tiny fractionof the time it took me.So what are you waiting for?Worst case -you don\'t like the course and geta full refund.Best case - you\'releft feeling completelyinspired about songwriting and areable to write like you\'ve always wanted to.I\'ll bethere to help you along at any stage and very happy toanswer any of your questions.Remember, there\'s nothing to loose with a30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEESosign up now and become the writer you\'ve always wanted to be.
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