Script Development For A Feature Film
Product SpecificationsDescription:Self paced online video tutorialDuration: 41 MinutesLevel:Beginner / IntermediateCertificate of Completion:Intermediate Level CourseQuizzes and ExercisesThis course includes quizzes and exercises throughout to help you to really get to grips with the content and become a better film maker.ContentOverview of the Scriptwriting for a feature filmThe process of creating a shooting script for a feature filmCreative vs commercial scriptsBeing clear about your objectives for a feature filmDetermining the target audience of a feature filmCreating an audience profile for your feature filmWhy your feature film should have international appealShowing your screenplay to your target audienceThe importance of getting feedback from your target audience and acting on that feedbackThe marketability of a feature film scriptWorking with industry experts in script developmentWhat makes a good script editor and the costs of hiring oneAboutDo you want to know how to make films but think its adaunting task. Maybe youve been wanting to make a feature film or short film for years but havent got around to it yet.Well weve created this series ofbehind the scenes videosmaking a feature film or short film taking you stepby step through the whole thing as you go on the journey with us.The map of how to make a feature filmThe idea is that you see the whole picture, so that at the end of the process you have an actual map of all the steps involved in making a feature film,which you can use as a model to guide you, and for you to keep and refer to forever.Why are we sharing our knowledge with you?Some people have asked us why are we sharing all our secrets on the web and helping other people do what we do. Well we dont see it like that. For us, we are all a community of film makers and we all have totally different stories to tell to different audiences who need us. So we have to help each other and support each other to create better movies. That way everyone benefits and we all feel supported by each other. Thats the kind of world we want to live in.Whats unique about our feature film making course?Perhaps you have been to film school but found that it was full of teachers who had been academics all their lives and never made a feature film.Or perhaps youve taken online courses but again found they were made by professional trainers who had no real portfolio of work.Perhaps you have also noticed that the problem with most online courses is they never show all the messy details and the real life problems and how to deal with them so everything goes smoothly. They just show you the text book stuff, so youre never fully prepared for the real world situations.Well this behind the scenes series of online video tutorials is made by industry experts and provides a real life working model that you can use to make your own feature film.About the course creatorsThis course is one of many in ESAs Masterclass video series. Our series is the only one produced by an international production company that is currently producing award-winning TV Commercials and corporate videos for some of the worlds leading brands such as SONY, Barclays, Kelloggs, BBC, Microsoft and Nokia to name just a few.Unlike some other film courses taught be a single person or a few individuals, with ESA you will have the collective experience of a whole company behind you to guide you and support you in your career.So what are you waiting for. Enroll today and kicks start your career.Bonus MaterialTo really help you in your career, as part of this course well be giving you checklists and exercises to develop your skills and keep you on track to successOur course includes:In depth video tutorialsDownloadable PDFSAs well as exclusive access to our online exercises and checklists.This course contains 6 exercises for you to complete.You are welcome to submit your completed exercises to us at Info@esafilms.com.Who is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn the whole feature film and short film production cycle from script development to delivery.Dont waste any time. Kick start your career now andBUY IT NOW.
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