How to Buy a Business
Why start a business, when 50% of new businesses don\'t last five years...... and 70% don\'t make teenage?Why put yourself through the stress of finding an idea for a product or service,then working out whether anyone wants it,and anyone wants to pay for it,and how to produce, market, sell, and deliver it,at a quality that will satisfy customers,against competitors who are already doing this,or will come in to steal your success,and doing all this while ensuring you don\'t run out of cash,and that the friends you started with will help you grow the business,and doing all this in a way that doesn\'t burn out you, your cash, or the business?Why not buy a business that has done all this,maybe not as well as it could,but where you can add value and be rewarded for it?At any one time, there are myriad business owners who want to sell their businesses.They are drawing towards retirement and want to cash in their investment of time, money and effort in their business,or they have health concerns,or family issues,or they have other interests,or they are bored,or they are just plain tired and want to be freed from the shackles of what used to interest them.They must have solved the start-up issues because they\'ve been in business for some time.You just need to work out the value of their business to you,then negotiate a deal that delivers what they want and what you want and do it in a way that requires as little of your cash as possible.But first you need a purpose yourself. So we\'ll help you think about this.Then you need a strategy. So we\'ll help you with that also.Then you need to identify targets that align to your strategy, open negotiations, conduct \"due diligence\" to be clear what you are buying, propose and close the deal, then take charge of the business. And we will show you how to do all this, and show you an example of a deal in progress.So, where can you expect to be after you\'ve completed the course?First, you will discover that buying a business is much easier than starting one.Secondly, you will be confident that you can do this.Thirdly, you will know what skills you need to recruit into your \"power team\", and what your power team must do for you.Fourthly, you will have a system to follow that focuses on the value to you of the targets you are looking at acquiring.And last, but not least, you will be encouraged to go out and do this!
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