Stress Management
Are you sick and tired ofstress?If you have clicked on this course chances are that you are finding it hard to manage your stress whether it be in the workplace or home life.This course is aimed at people finding it hard to deal with stress and would like an easier way to cope/manage their stress.Now it\'s time to start taking control!Once you know what the stressful situation is, you can start to deal with it. Of course the simplest solution is to just avoid what\'s making you stressed. For example, if your daily commute it getting you all wound-up, try going another way or leaving a bit earlier to avoid the traffic.If you have to deal with irritating people, practice deep breathing or self-hypnosis to help maintain your composure. If you have a heavy workload, the Pomodoro Technique can work wonders.Unless, of course, you ENJOY being stressed and can\'t let go of it.I know that last statement sounds crazy, but it\'s true. Lots of people are ADDICTED to stress. These people look for stressful situations and go out of their way to find them. Like all addictions it starts slow and builds up until, just like a junkie, you\'ve just GOT to have your daily adrenalin fix.Think about it for a moment:Do you feel as though you thrive under pressure?Are you constantly checking your phone or computer for updates or e-mails?Often work late?Cant switch off or relax?You may be a stress addict and not know it!Stress addiction can be as serious as alcoholism or drug abuse especially as one often leads to the other.If you find you\'re a stress addict, you need to get help fast and learn to control your stress before it controls you.This course is aimed at people finding it hard to deal with stress and would like an easier way to cope/manage their stress.
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