28 days to Success
Are you ready to finally achieve every goal you ever set?Are you ready to attract more money to you, wake up with more confidence and go to bed feeling more successful?You want to be your own boss, bring in more money and have amazing vacations without having to sacrifice time with your family.You want to be able to treat the ones you love without the fear of where the next paycheck will come from.Most of all you want to achieve incredible things without the gut wrenching lack of confidence and debilitating self doubt.Everything you want CAN be yours.You just need to understand how to bring it to you.Having worked with lots of women like you to manifest their goals, clear their limiting beliefs and create their Dream Life, I feel like I already know a lot about you:You want more than anything to create success in your business but wonder whether youre good enough.Youve heard about the Law of Attraction but think it all sounds a bit too woo woo for you.Youve tried writing your goals down in a pretty butterfly journal but yet to see any of them come true.Youve tried to be more positive but find it hard when youre tired, stressed and broke.Youre envious of those people around you who seem to be doing amazing things, having success and achieving their goals, and you desperately want it to be your turn.You feel like youre having to sacrifice time with your family in order to pay the bills.Does any of this sound familiar? Then youve found yourself in the perfect place.This is the story I hear from most of the women Ive worked with. And I can tell you Ive been there too so I totally get it!Hi, Im Gemma James, a Law of Attraction & Success Mindset Practitioner, Trainer and Author.I help female entrepreneurs create their Dream Life using the Law of Attraction and the power of our brains (what I call \'practical woo\').Im a certified Happiness Life Coach, Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner, Wealth Practitioner and certified in Neuroplasticity (brain stuff!). I absolutely LOVE everything mindset & manifesting!But it didnt always used to be that way. Until 2016 I was working a job in Law, feeling unfulfilled, under paid and totally under valued. I had been trying to build a business for 10 years without any success at all. I was glued to my phone, sacrificing time with my new daughter, feeling broke and desperate in my search for freedom.Then I discovered the Law of Attraction and having a positive, success mindset and I started to see a few changes. It took a year of practicing, tweaking, shifting and applying my own techniques to what I was learning however before I really got it. 6 months later I had left my soul sucking Law job and taken my business full time, doing something I love that brought in more money than I ever thought possible. I now travel the world speaking and coaching at events and have generated over half a million in sales.The technique that has had the biggest impact on my success?Being mindful of the words I speak, the thoughts I think and understanding how to apply powerful language every day.I tell you this because it is totally possible for you too. You CAN be, do and have WHATEVER you want. You just need to understand why your words are way more important than you might think and how you can apply powerful language to your daily life to create more success.Yes, it\'s that simple.When you know exactly what to say and why it is so easy to create the success you crave. More confidence, more money, more respect and recognition. And you can begin unleashing the power of manifesting every single goal.Every. Single. Time.Introducing: Speak Yourself to Success! The 28 Day Powerful Language Challenge.For women who are ready to manifest the amazing future theyve been dreaming of.Whats Included?During this 4 Week Course youll learn how to stop letting your fears and doubts win that hold you back from achieving your goals. Youll learn how to create the exact level of success, confidence and happiness that you desire.Ill teach you how to effectively use powerful language to set goals for the things you want AND to bring them into your reality.Ill give you the exact same language processes, tools and techniques that myself and my clients have used to clear our limiting beliefs, achieve our goals and manifest amazing things over and over again.Week 1: Get ClearIn kick off week youll get clear on where your limiting beliefs, doubts and fears come from and how you can start to change them in order to move forward with your business (and life) with more confidence.Week 2: Get AbundantThis is the Week where youll learn how to set powerful goals (and the words to avoid if you want to be successful) and youll create some personal to you Affirmations to bring them into your reality (one size fits all does not work here).Week 3: Get SuccessfulIn Week 3 youll learn how to apply powerful language to a morning mindset to create success all day. Wake up feeling energised, confident and with more focus for a more productive, positive day.Week 4: Get WealthyIts time to fall in love with your money again! This is the Week where you learn how to apply powerful language to your money to attract more of it to you!
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