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Scrum Master Practice Exams
Welcome to our Scrum Master practice exams.There are a total of 5 exams. 3 exams have 40 questions each and should be completed individually within 30 minutes. 2 exams have 80 questions each and should be completed individually within 60 minutes.To maximise value from the exams, we recommend that you start with the smaller exams to assess and build on your knowledge within the 3 focus areas that the PSM1 exam focuses on: - Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework - Developing People and Teams - Managing Products with AgilityOnce you feel comfortable you have gained adequate understanding and knowledge, then attempt the 2 larger exams of 80 questions.These exams are designed to offer the same amount of questions within the same period of time as that of the PSM1 exam.This will enable you to fully understand and apply time management when answering these exams.On completion of each exam you will receive feedback on each question. Also, each question will have an explanation of the correct answer. You will benefit greatly if you use this as revision whilst utilising and reading the Scrum guide. You will also get feedback on which focus area you need to practice more.REMEMBER: The PSM1 exam allows use of the Scrum guide as it is an open book exam. So use it during these practice exams.We wish you the very best of luck with your exams.RegardsTom & LeeDisclaimer: Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum .org. Our practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum .org


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