Deal Detail
Digital Business Analytics - Analtica de Negocios Digitales
In this course you will understand the basis of digital business and analytics, which could be used in diverse businesses - offline or online - in a variety of industries. At the same time, we will review the main techniques of digital analytics, its characteristics and differences. We will introduce distinct myths and recommendations that are relevant for the implementation of digital analytics in your organization. Finally, the course is an overview of digital business and will contribute to the best practice of data analytics in the context of business and clients.Learn about digital analytics and support your studies with data in your organization. Review the digital business context and leverage the power of analytics in the new economy by learning the distinct methods used in digital data analytics. This course will help you to understand better your business and your clients paving the way to enhance your performance.* Al concluir el curso entenders las bases de la analtica digital o Digital Business Analytics, que podrs aplicar a distintos negocios -fsicos o digitales- en industrias diversas. De igual forma vers las principales tcnicas de analtica digital, sus caractersticas y diferencias. Por ltimo vers distintos mitos y recomendaciones para implementar adecuadamente dentro de tu organizacin la prctica de la analtica y crear una visin holstica del negocio y del cliente.* Conoce qu es la analtica digital o Digital Business Analyics, y cmo sustenta el estudio de la datos dentro de la organizacin. Revisa el contexto del Digital Business Analytics en la nueva economa y aprende a diferenciar las distintas tcnicas de analtica digital entre bsica y avanzada y cmo puedes emplearlas para entender mejor el desempeo del negocio y a tu cliente.


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