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Go (GoLang) for ABSOLUTE beginners! *5+ REAL-WORLD Projects*
This course is updated with new lectures and resources EVERY MONTH!This course is the ultimate resource for learning the Go Programming Language.This course is perfect for beginners. The course is full of examples, quizzes, solutions to the quizzes, and an amazing code repository.When you enroll in this course, you will have lifetime access to the course. You will be able to learn at your own pace. You will always be able to come back to the content to review it, or learn additional concepts when you are ready for them.I know that this is absolutely the best course in the entire world for learning the Go Programming Language.I know that you are going to be completely satisfied with the course.So, what are you waiting for ENROLL NOW!!You will get great value from this course and, more importantly, you will have a great time learning the greatest programming language every made - The Go Programming Language - The fastest growing, highest paying programming language in the World.Join me on this incredible journey. Sign-up Today.Why Go?Go is one of the most desired, easy to learn, and the highest paying programming languages. There are 1+ million Go programmers around the world, and the number is increasing each day exponentially. It\'s been used by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, and many others.Go is Efficient like C, C++, and Java, and Easy to use like Python and Javascript. It\'s Open-Source, Simple, Powerful, Efficient, Cross-Platform (OS X, Windows, Linux, ...), Compiled, Garbage-Collected, and Concurrent.Go is best for Command-line Tools, Web APIs, Distributed Network Applications like Microservices, Database Engines, Big-Data Processing Pipelines, and so on.Go has been designed by one of the most influential people in the industry:Unix: Ken ThompsonUTF-8, Plan 9: Rob PikeHotspot JVM (Java Virtual Machine): Robert GriesemerBut why did Google create a new language?In Googles words, Go was born out of frustration with existing languages and environments for systems programming. Programming had become too difficult and the choice of languages was partly to blame. One had to choose either efficient compilation, efficient execution, or ease of programming; all three were not available in the same mainstream language. Programmers who could were choosing ease over safety and efficiency by moving to dynamically typed languages such as Python and JavaScript rather than C++ or, to a lesser extent, Java. Go is an attempt to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language. It also aims to be modern, with support for networked and multi-core computing. Finally, working with Go is intended to be fast: it should take at most a few seconds to build a large executable on a single computer. To meet these goals required addressing a number of linguistic issues: an expressive but lightweight type system; concurrency and garbage collection; rigid dependency specification; and so on. These cannot be addressed well by libraries or tools; a new language was called for.Come learn about the greatest programming language ever created. You will leave with resources and code samples to start making all of your software and apps really go.


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