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Composition & Form 4 Acoustic Fingerstyle,Classical Guitar
Learn how to write solo pieces for classical and acoustic fingerstyle properly and effectively and unleash your potential.Who needs bands? Its time to learn how to write attractive solo pieces that you can perform on your own, as many composers have done for centuries, and knowing what you are really doing!Do you want to learn how to write attractive, stand-alone pieces for solo guitar? Arent sure where to begin, or how to complete your piece? Ever find yourself noodling aimlessly for valuable chunks of time, and then finally giving up thinking: Ill try again some other times ? Life is too short for noodling. Noodling is a HUGE waste of time.This is an INTENSE and FAST PACED course. I don\'t want to waste a SINGLE minute of your time. I don\'t hit \'record\' and fill my course with 10 hours of mostly ramblings, ifs, buts, maybes, fluff, uhm and ah, and extraneous noises (I myself cannot stand any of that in an online course). It\'s easy enough to fill in 10 hours if one doesn\'t edit out useless stuff out. I do edit every second. It takes me up to 40 minutes to edit a video that will be only 2 minutes long. I am more about content and substance than how things look. Every single word I say must have tutoring weight. Also, I don\'t believe in \'beginner to advanced\' courses, most of them are superficial and bland and will turn you into a MEDIOCRE jack of all trades and master of NONE. Learning a bit of this and a bit of that with no real depth will only turn you into a mediocrity. You need to focus on ONE specific thing at a time, step by step, LASER FOCUS style, and it takes more than a few minutes to cover a single topic in depth. This attitude changed EVERYTHING for me. Writing well for an instrument is much more than just buying a guitar and start composing. There are many things that you need to be aware in musical form and structure, and let me tell you, guitar teachers do not usually teach these secrets. But I do. How do you ensure musical unity in a piece, and at the same time, avoid monotony? If you dont really understand these things, your compositions will always sound unbalanced: maybe a great idea there, and insubstantial ones elsewhere. How do you invent (compose) a whole piece from one idea? This is what the classical masters have always done. They were masters at composing tons of music with a fragment of a few notes! And the best thing of all is, you dont have to be Beethoven or Bach to learn how to do this.Composing attractive miniatures is an absolute requirement for any composers: you cant call yourself a composer if you dont know how to write an attractive little piece! Also, dont let the small lead you to think that it means trivial. Length of piece has NOTHING to do with the quality of it. Every major composer has taken seriously the writing of miniatures: Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Tarrega, Chopin, and a host of other brilliant but less known composers. We will examine together one of my pieces in detail, and I will, step-by-step, tell you exactly how you too can (and should) learn this. I will reveal concepts and techniques that you will find only mentioned in music conservatories and music colleges. And, I already took the trouble to examine the maze in great detail, and figure out and use only the concepts that never fail. I have done all that work, and you will benefit from this by saving a lot of time, for I never teach what I myself have not mastered. Too often teachers have little to show for as for musical substance, and some of them can hardly play! Then again, you get occasionally a brilliant musician who are really sloppy and mediocre teachers. But in this course I will teach what I have myself done successfully every single time.By the end of the course, you will understand many concepts that were previously either confusing or completely unknown to you, and use them in a powerful way in YOUR music. You will also be able to know how to get out of tight spots, how NOT to get stuck, and how to analyze other peoples works (which is different from just learning how to play other peoples music) and use what you learn in YOUR music. For this, again, is what every major composer has done in the course of music history!Composing miniatures for an instrument is a powerful tool, an essential tool in the arsenal of todays musician. Dont limit yourself by playing only the work of others, but write your own and proudly perform it as well.Lets begin learning composition on guitar today, and you will surely be on the path of becoming a proficient and creative musician.PS. You have probably noticed that, unlike some other sellers, I am not selling hundreds of courses (and this is not at all a criticism about them or their courses!). In part this is because I havent been too long here on Udemy, but also because I vet the students /customers more, i.e. I do not teach complete beginners (not that there is anything wrong with them), and I never write This course is for ALL and no requirements needed. This course has requirements, and I am not trying to appeal to all. At all. This basically means that I sell less courses, but also that as a smaller seller I can and will answer to ANY questions you have about anything mentioned in the course. Just post ANY questions in the Q&A section of the course, and I promise I will answer to all, as helpfully as I can. Not only that, the best questions will be examined in a new video!If I were selling hundreds of courses, I could not answer more than a couple of students questions. But because I am a smaller guy, I can do what I mentioned above. And that is to your advantage. :)


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