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Become an Authentic Travel Photo Ninja
Welcome to the Travel Photo Ninja course! The course is designed for anyone interested in travel photography, though people that either have or are willing to get a camera, preferably something more advanced than a phone will likely see more benefits. A DSLR of any price range or an advanced compact would be ideal as the course will encourage you to understand how and why the camera works the way it does and turn that to your own advantage by shooting less often on automatic/creative (portrait, sport etc) mode and instead shoot manual or semi-manual.We\'ll focus on a variety of topics, starting with helping you understand what you can make of travel photography subject to your own time arrangements, moving on a quick overview of physics (e.g. \"what\'s aperture?\"), then talk about sensor sizes, lenses, and then a topic-by-topic theory and practice/practical review of about 70-100 photos, why they\'re good or sometimes how they could have been made better. There\'s also a workflow demo and a fair bit of material on post-processing. Also there\'s a mummy. Seriously (not to tease you, the point of it is the discussion of how to handle a situation when you end up being presented with very obscure and exciting opportunities, such as bumping into a local ritual that involves digging out the dead.). Sections:Philosophy1.1A: What are Your Goals?1.1B: You Don\'t Have to go Far1.1C: But it Helps if You Do1.1D: Whatever Floats Your Boat Works1.2: Travel Styles1.3: EthicsTheory of Light & Photo Basics2.1A: What\'s in a Photo?2.1B: Explaining Tech2.1C: Explaining Keywords (FX, DX)2.2A: Comparing Available Tech - Intro & DSLRs2.2B: Comparing Available Tech - MILCs2.2C: Comparing Available Tech - Compacts & Phones2.3A: Understanding Sensors - P12.3B: Understanding Sensors - P22.3C: Understanding Lenses - P12.3D: Understanding Lenses - P2 - Aperture2.3E: Understanding Lenses - P32.3F: Understanding Lenses - P42.3G: Rule of Reciprocity2.4A: Mini Buying Guide - P12.4B: Mini Buying Guide - P22.4C: Mini Buying Guide - Personal Suggestions2.5A: RAW vs JPG - Theory & Why Post Process?2.5B: RAW vs JPG - Demo - Poor Photo to Great Photo2.5C: RAW vs JPG - Demo - Night Shot Enhancement2.5D: RAW vs JPG - Demo - Thai Boxing & SportsUnderstanding How Travel Photography is Different3.1A: Everyone Starts at Lvl 03.1B: A Good Travel Photographer...Knows Their Gear3.1C: A Good Travel PhotographerUnderstands EXIF3.1D: A Good Travel PhotographerDoes Good Research3.1E: A Good Travel PhotographerGets Hands Dirty3.1F: A Good Travel PhotographerKnows The Audience3.1G: A Good Travel PhotographerStays Safe3.2: Items You\'ll NeedTopic-by-topic Breakdown & Analysis (theory & practical approach as well)4.1A: Topics: People & Street4.1B: Topics: Poverty & Controversy4.2A: Topics: Landscapes4.2B: Topics: Beaches4.3: Topics: Wildlife & Underwater4.4: Topics: Poor Weather4.5: Topics: Architecture & Cityscapes4.6: Topics: Landmarks4.7: Topics: Sunrise/Sunset/Night shots4.8: Topics: Items & Objects4.9: Topics: While on the MoveComplete Workflow Suggestion/Demo5.1A: Workflow - Hardware5.1B: Workflow - Ideas5.1C: Workflow - What To Keep?5.2A: Workflow Demo -- Tools, Filenames & Basics5.2B: Workflow Demo -- GPS Correction5.2C: Workflow Demo -- Ratings5.2D: Workflow Demo -- ACR Settings - Auto5.2E: Workflow Demo -- Ratings P25.2F: Workflow Demo -- Manual Work5.2G: Workflow Demo -- Saving Outputs5.2H: Workflow Demo -- Saving for Web/Facebook5.2I: Workflow Demo -- Saving for Instagram


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