Deal Detail
Become Resilient, Take Control & Live Life as a Winner!
1. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE This is a unique course as it brings together the importance of being both MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY FIT in order to feel in control of things, and be better able to take on life and win! People don\'t often realise the importance to leading a happier and healthier life requires work, both on the inside and the outside i.e. it requires both Mental Fitness and Physical Fitness activities to be done consistently, and not just a one off workout! Think of it as your physical health working in harmony with your mental and emotional health.Other courses tend to focus on one aspect or the other and miss the link between the two and so only give you access to half the benefits of improving your overall performance, in all areas of your life.  Nothing too strenuous!!! It is simple, straightforward and easy to apply the learning, so that you get immediate benefits from the course. Here is just a small sample of what we are covering inside the course:PART1. INTRODUCTIONYou\'ll be able to understand the course content, as we provide an overview of the key strategies we teach and the importance of connecting both your mental fitness with your physical fitness, for better overall wellbeing, improved performance and results in your life.PART 2 MENTAL FITNESSYou too can master these 5 simple, easy to apply key strategies, used by elite athletes and top performing business professionals, to gain so much benefit in raising your self awareness, self-belief, self-confidence, resilience and performance in all areas of your life, even in times of adversity.PART 3 PHYSICAL FITNESSUnderstand the 3 \'S\'s of physical fitness, their benefits when done routinely, and the improvements they make to you looking, feeling and performing better!PART 4: EXERCISE RIGHT FOR ENHANCED PERFORMANCE Don\'t worry we are not asking you to buy a gym membership and grind out long sessions in the gym! Here we take you through in detail what the 3 \'S\'s  look like so you can exercise right in the comfort of your own home, and you can immediately start to feel good- as the endorphin hormones start to flow!By working on the two aspects together, watch your overall health and happiness improve as your anxieties, stresses, and fears, recede into the background. So if you like what you have read, why not join us to develop bulletproof resilience so you can be strong, calm and powerful no matter what situation you find yourself in. As we know life is a contact sport, full of challenges, but it is how you cope and respond to those challenges that really matters. So let us help you take back control and start to live life again!What are you waiting for. just click the button and jump on in with us?---------------------------------------------------------------------O---------------------------------------------------------------------------{If you have got more time or still undecided....... FEEL FREE TO READ ON FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE, It\'s DEVELOPMENT, WHY IT IS DIFFERENT, OUR LIVE LIFE EDUCATION APPROACH to learning, OVERCOMING BEGINNERS NERVES etc.}2. OVERVIEW OF THE COURSE: Mental Strength and Fitness: Bounce Back & Become Resilient.This could be a game changer for you!We created this course to help people:-1) deal better with anxiety, fears, stress and challenges they may face now, and in the future, so they can become more successful in their life.2) prepare themselves better for their high performing futures, by becoming more resilient, so they are better able to cope with any future struggles they may encounter in life, and so they not only survive but thrive!I\'m sure we\'ve all experienced waves of uncertainty, anxiety, and loss in some way and especially over the past few months with the COVID-19 pandemic, situation we are experiencing, at the time of writing about this course.So how do we navigate safely through the unknown? Rather than allowing the chaos of the world and external circumstances to rule our lives, how do we harness our individual power to still move forward and lead our lives with confidence, and, dare I say, even with peace and joy?Well our course has simple, yet practical ways to get you on your road from being anxious to feeling CONFIDENT, POSITIVE, STRONG and RESILIENT in no time at all.If we dont have a stable, unchanging foundational base to our lives, then our lives will always be ruled by circumstances and our own emotions. So we focus on building an \'unshakeable\' foundation and \'unstoppable\' positive momentum!There will always be circumstances around us that we cant control. e.g. the next COVID pandemic etc. But even in times when it feels like were losing certain things, let it magnify what you do have, and your new found resilience, to provide the calm to look for new opportunities and solutions to enhance your life further, in uncertain times. The course takes a fascinating approach to helping you to BOUNCE BACK UP and COME BACK STRONGER, as we cant control everything, but we can control our attitude and our choices. We hope that even while the world is spinning in chaos and uncertainty, you can still rise to see above it all. Our strategies and tools help you to keep going and move forward with self-belief, confidence and resilience!3. WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE DIFFERENT TO OTHER SELF HELP / IMPROVEMENT COURSES?People don\'t often realise the importance to leading a happier and healthier life requires work, both on the inside and the outside i.e. it requires both Mental Fitness and Physical Fitness activities to be done consistently, and not just a one off workout! Hence we felt that we needed to bring the two together (Mental Fitness and Physical Fitness) and to share the key strategies and tools used by both elite athletes and high performing business professionals, that sees them focus on what they can control, bounce back and thrive from their struggles, as they are better able to cope with what life throws at them! Just as you need to exercise your body to be as strong and resilient as it can be, you must exercise your mind to ensure its mentally strong, fit and equipped to rebound from lifes challenges.You don\'t realise how doing the right exercises routinely helps you, until you do it! It is what they say.. \'healthy body , healthy mind\'! By exercising right it gives you immediate relief as the \'feel good\'- endorphin hormones start to flow!Think of it as your physical health working in harmony with your mental and emotional health.Hence, we are building strength from the inside and out. We help you breakthrough from your current issues and help you bounce back, overcome and cope with anxiety, stress, overwhelm, fear and other life challenges, so you can improve your outlook and your performance.As we know life is a contact sport, full of challenges, but it is how you cope and respond to those challenges that really matters. So let us help you take back control and start to live life again!Once you start to apply the strategies you\'ll be able to create your own unshakable and unstoppable positive momentum, as you create your own daily success habits routine, you probably won\'t to stop!! Why stop something that makes you feel happier?Watch yourself transform, from a place of worry and lack to realising that, at the core, you really do have everything you need, not just to survive but to thrive!Develop bulletproof resilience so you can be strong, calm and powerful no matter what situation you find yourself in.So why not do what elite athletes and high performing business professionals do to get clear, get focussed, and perform at a higher level. They create their ultimate advantage so let\'s make it happen for you!4. THE LIVE-LIFE EDUCATION\'S APPROACH TO LEARNING:We believe in our philosophy to get the best results we have to Learn and Do (Apply the Learning) hence, in each session are exercises ,actions to take, and encouragement to apply immediately, what you have learnt-this is how you grow!We have done all the research so you dont have to. There are no tricks or gimmicks. Its all based on good science and you can apply the content immediately, so you can start to get better results, in all areas of life.This is a unique course bringing together the benefits of having both mental and physical fitness. So why not learn with us how to increase both your mental and physical fitness, in order to restore your internal and external balance, whilst creating an \'unshakable\' foundation, that sets you up to thrive, even in times of struggle!5. DO YOU HAVE BEGINNERS NERVES? If the thought of signing up and starting the course makes you feel a little anxious or apprehensive- that\'s Okay!! It is just your current mindset protecting you, as it doesn\'t like change from the status quo (where ever your current \'normal\' is set at). However, there is no pressure, you can complete the course in your own time scale, the rate at which you adopt these strategies and changes, is up to you! Try not to place any additional pressure or expectation on yourself! You may have some really good weeks and some not, and that\'s Okay!!! You just do what you can and trust the process and positive results will come!BY SIGNING UP NOW and NOT WAITING for next week or when you will feel better... you\'ll get access to some simple learnings and activities that you can apply immediately, and once you start, you\'ll build momentum, increasing your confidence and self- belief in what you are doing, and the benefits: physically, emotionally and mentally, will follow! Just keep doing something, even if it is one thing at a time that you want to master, before moving onto doing another, that\'s Okay!However, when you start to add more and more on, the compound effect of doing all the activities, will see you gain better results and bigger transformations!!This is not a quick fix solution, as some things need working on at a deeper level, but things do improve quickly, as you do the activities consistently! You will be in better condition when things do seem tough as you are better able to process things and keep going!If you do nothing, your suffering will remain, at best, or may even deepen. Try not to let that happen. Make the decision that is best for you! Our course does the rest!It maybe one of the easiest decisions you\'ve ever made, why suffer anymore..... So much is possible when you are not held back by fear or anxiousness - but you have to do the reps ( mental and physical) to develop your inner and outer strength.So if you feel you just don\'t want to look and feel this way anymore, then remember your not stuck here for life- looking and feeling how you feel currently is not a life sentence! With the right strategies and tools you can start to move through to find a better version of you!Why not decide today that enough is enough! Why not start to put yourself on your journey to leading a better kind of life, one that is significantly calmer, more predictable, and one that frees you up to live life again- by following our course content and the improvements will come!Watch your overall health and happiness improve as your anxieties, stresses, and fears, recede into the background. So why not join us and you too can start to take back control of your life and better prepare yourself to cope with any future challenges you may face! Become Resilient, Calm and in Control of Your Life!6. WHY IS SUCH A SMALL INVESTMENT NEEDED TO ACCESS THE CONTENT?We could easily sell this course for allot, allot, more BUTwe want to make it super accessible to as many people as possible, as we know it will change peoples lives for the better, both professionally and personally, and of course with those they interact with.So today it is just a small investment in you and your personal and professional career. What are you waiting for. just click the button and jump on in with us?To your success,Live-Life Co-Creators: Lorna Third and Darren Tebbenham


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