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WordPress stock photo website to sell images - Fast & Easy
Learn how to build a professional WordPress photo stock website to sell photos, images, designs and art on autopilot. This online course will teach you to build your website exactly how you want within hours and without any coding. You will learn how to create custom watermarks to stop people using your images without payment. This advanced website will automatically collect payments and automatically send customers a digital download link to their image purchases. I will also teach you how to set everything up on your phone, so you can manage customers and manage sales while youre on the go.Have you always wanted to build a professional WordPress website to promote and sell photos and images? However, you have struggled with time? or maybe put off because you don\'t have any website experience?Then this video course it what you need. This video tutorial has been specifically designed for beginners so they can create a professional website within hours. Learn how easy it really is to create a WordPress website from scratch when I reveal how to use free add-ons that let you drag and drop to control the full design. NO CODING AT ALL.This course will teach you to build a complete website. This includes a professional and beautiful homepage to be proud of, a contact forms, online music store, pages, blogs and more. Without a professional WordPress website, you can lose a lot of potential customers.This in depth, simple step by step tutorial will teach you how to set up your dream website within hours. It will also teach you \'how\' and \'why\' to do everything, allowing you to update your site how you want, when you want.Is it worth it? In my opinion yes. We will be going over how to use WordPress to build a beautiful, fully functional website. Web developers can charge up to 2,000 to create a similar site.Furthermore, to provide even more value and help provide additional tools for your website, I am including an exclusive bonus section: How to make your website mobile friendly, so your website will look perfect on a phone screen How to set everything up on your phone, so you can manage your new online business while you on the go i.e. reports for payments, orders and even replying to your customers. How to setup a domain How to set up low cost hosting How to install Wordpress and use it effectively How to Install SSL security certificate How to Set up the shop page How to set up photos, images and designs to the store Create custom watermarks Set up time based sales Set up private emails Set up discount codes Set up auto send download links to customers Set up and receive payments on auto Set up customer logins and member area How to set up search filters Set up contact forms Create blog Full design of website Create menus Create footers Design custom sidebars Mobile friendly Create email pop-up sign-up forms Manage mailing lists Create custom emails for subscribers Set everything up from your phone, so you can manage your business on the go!


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