Beginners Guide To Realistic Drawing & Group Exercise
The class project is aimed towards a final drawing using all of the skills we have learnt so far. Throughout the sessions, we will look at some fundamental theory, and how we can apply that to the drawing. As we work our way through each topic, we will then be applying it to our drawing which you can work on at your own pace or you can drawing along with me.The drawing we are going to look at encompasses all of the topics that we will be looking at throughout the sessions such as line directions, shading, negative space and perspective. Once you master these basic skills, you can master anything!Lesson 11 point perspectiveThroughout this lesson, you will learn how to recognise what a 1 point perspective looks like and how we can construct our own. Lesson 22 Point PerspectiveHere we will notice the difference between a 1 point perspective and a 2 point perspective. The drawing construction is different and you will learn how to draw in this style and how you can see this in everyday life.Lesson 33 Point PerspectiveA 3 point perspective is not a common vision we will see unless we look up to tall buildings. It is a slightly more difficult construction, however, it is very useful to know when you are drawing anything!Lesson 4ShadingTake a moment to look at the value scale and try the exercise to see if you can shad in the subtle shades of grey from black to white.Lesson 5Project - Vertical Lines & MeasuringNow we will begin our project and look at an easy way to measure our drawing using a base measurement that we always refer back to. Using this measurement means that our drawing will be in proportion and half way there to success.Lesson 6Project - Horizontal Lines & Line DirectionYep, you guessed it, we will be looking at the horizontal lines! We will be looking at the \'clock\' measuring system so we can translate lines from what we see on the photograph to our own drawing.Lesson 7Project - The FigureThis lesson we will look at the outline of the figure before we begin the fun stage of shading! Looking at the silhouette we will see how we can place it on the drawing in the correct position.Lesson 8 - ShadingBegin shading in your drawing to really build the idea of form. Refer back to our shading video if you want to understand values again, and try to see the subtle differences between dark, and dark dark!Lesson 9 - Refine & DefineUsing your 2H pencil, go over the whole thing to smooth out the texture of your drawing and refine the edges and the shading. This should bring everything together to make your drawing powerful and dynamic.
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