Level 2, Okuden, Traditional Usui Reiki
***Traditional Usui Reiki level 2 Diploma course***Reiki level 2, is also known as Shoden in the founding nation, Japan. It is also referred to as 2nd degree Reiki. Welcome to this level of learning, your next step along your Reiki path; you will have completed our level one Reiki course before enrolling onto this course. This level of learning allows you to receive paying clients who will accept Reiki healing from the Universe as it flow through, you a clear conduit of healing energy as you have healed yourself. This course teaches the student three of four Reiki symbols, how to draw and activate them and to use them in healing sessions with yourself and clients. This course teaches distance healing method that Dr Usui taught his students; distance is no matter for Reiki, Universal energy transcends all time and so healing the past, present and future is achievable, as too other lifetimes and dimensions. Karma is resolved and you begin to move into a clearer state of being, whatever requires purging from your conscious and unconscious mind will be released and you will be able to review this, if you choose, to glean pearls of wisdom and gems of insight. This course provides you with a recognised diploma that allows you to apply for membership with the international institute of complimentary therapists who have options for insurance that covers you and your practice when receiving clients.What is covered in this courseProfessional standards for holistic therapists Reiki is universal but it is also holistic and you will explore what holistic is?We look at communication and record keepingWe look at reception and consultation with clientsTreatment space, providing treatment and aftercareThe Aura and distance healingModern masters who explored the roots of Reiki providing a fuller understanding of Usui and ReikiAnd you receive your Attunement to level 2 Reiki through multi-media, energetic transmissions Second Degree Reiki (Usui Reiki Shiki Ryoho, Reiki Level 2) includes:Reiki Level 2 Attunement You are attuned to the Usui Reiki Level 2 energy, increasing the strength of your Reiki energy.A level 2 Reiki manual that supplements the course recordingsInformation about Reiki lineage.Course CertificationStudents will receive a Udemy course certificate of completion., there is also an opportunity to obtain a traditional Usui Reiki certificate from ourselves.The benefits of taking this course are many and include:Progress deeper along your spiritual path, deepen your intuition and inner connection, deepen your own personal healing process.Release feelings that can stunt your progress and growth such as sorrow, sadness, grief, jealousy, fear and anger.Discover more balance in everyday life.Develop understanding of your connection to all beings, situations and how even difficult life situations can be a blessing in disguiseExperience the sensation of being grounded in any situation.Learn new techniques for meditation, relaxation and self-healing.Develop greater confidence in treating others.Begin to help others professionally.Receive guidance in the Q and A of the platform and through private messenger.Receive individual ongoing attention and guidance from your teacher.Learn to help others through the concept of oneness (distant healing). Access professional membership and indemnity insurance with our partner group.
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