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Professional Scrum Product Owner Practice Tests-2021
This set of practice tests are based on the Scrum Guide 2020. Are you planning to pass the Professional Scrum Product Owner I Certification exam? Then, practice this set of new exams on Udemy. Each of these 4 full practice tests are designed to reflect exam questions for your certification, and enable you to gain the confidence and knowledge to pass your exam and get certified in your first attempt with ease. These practice tests are timed (60 min.) to reflect real exam condition. At the end of the test, you will receive a feedback report, indicating the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly. You will also receive detail explanations for those questions that you answered incorrectly to improve your knowledge.This pack of practice tests covers all the resources for this certification so that you can pass the exam on your first try. By going through these tests once, and paying attention to the detailed explanations provided, you will be able to crack the exam with confidence.To receive the special offer discount, follow Exam Academy on LinkedIn or Twitter using the links provided on Exam Academy profile.---> About the PSPO I exam <---After finishing this set of practice tests, you can register for the exam. The cost of PSPO I is $200 USD. Assessment passwords are valid for one attempt, do not expire and remain valid until used. Good luck!


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