Beat Food Cravings - the Healthy Way!
Break free from those pesky cravings and regain control! This mini-workshop will be hands-on, so get hold of that chocolate bar/crisps/latte!We will explore three different approaches to dealing with cravings, plus a few handy quick tips. Try them all, and find out which ones work best for you whether you are at home or at work, alone or in public.Over one hour of video content, including a downloadable meditation audio track for you to keep and revisit whenever you need to.Although the course image and the exercises we will do together take food cravings as the main example, you can replace food with anything else you crave. For exampleYour phoneShoppingCaffeineFizzy drinksGamingSocial mediaAnything which triggers an irresistible urge!We will explore three main avenues and three quick tips for you to regain control, working mainly with Mindfulness and EFT.So lets get started! Get that chocolate bar at the ready (or whatever else is your hearts desire!), and jump in.When you enrol, you will receive lifetime access to all of the above, which means there will be no deadlines for completing the course - plus a meditation audio track that you can download and keep.I am looking forward to welcoming you inside the course!
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