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The relationship of your dreams
Do want The Relationship of Your Dreams?It only takes you to step forward and create the relationship of your dreams. To end sadness, overwhelm and frustration and build the foundation to a loving, respectful and connected partnership and I can prove it.So many people are finding their relationships are falling apart, unconnected to their partner, with communication failing and all too often finding themselves frustrated, sad, angry or worse!They don\'t really know what went wrong, and they have no idea how to fix it. Feeling like they have tried everything, they have no idea what to do to have the relationship they dream of now.But our savvy ,self aware, committed, resourceful clients go from feeling unfulfilled, confused and lost, to creating amazing connection. Finding hope and excitement in their future, without compromise or the need for years of relationship counselling, or therapy.Sure, everyone always says it takes two to tango, and when communication fails separation or divorce can seem the only option.This programme teaches life changing strategies for transforming confidence, regaining physical and mental connection, restoring respect, and developing world class communication skills. Strategies for creating the true partnership they desire.Relationship of your dreams - Program OutlineIntroducing the programProgram Introduction: Here I take you through everything you can expect from your next 8 weeksNavigating the Members Area: Here you will find the basics for navigating the members area, and how to ask for helpWhere are you now: A comprehensive view of your relationship nowYou are the solution: You have all the answers inside youLearning to love yourself: How to first find love from withinLiving in your truth: The foundation stone of happinessWe are all doing the best we can: The foundation of forgivenessDestroy Blame: Before it destroys youYour Dreams: What do you wantMeditation: Connecting to yourselfMindfulness: Connecting to everythingManifesting: Connecting to your dreamConnecting inside and out: Creating a contract between your conscious and unconscious mindsRemoving inappropriate emotions: Healing the past to protect the future.How you see the world: Understanding different perspectivesFrom another point of view: Seeing the world through someone elses eyesWho you were born to be: Discovering your true selfMastering Cause and effect: Gaining full control and responsibility for your emotionsRelationship dynamics: Where you need to be, to have the relationship of your dreamsGiving and receiving: The power of trust, vulnerability, expansion and connectionObserving the small stuff: Its all there to be seen, without wordsRapport: How to build it and not break itListening completely: Absolute understandingSimple questions - Big difference: Sometimes the hardest things have the simplest solutionsBuilding on your foundation: Your plan of actionPerhaps it\'s time for change?Having worked in the area of relationships for some time now, what has become increasingly apparent is, sometimes change is the best outcome - for everyone.I speak to people every day who have put everything into their relationships, spent years trying to work it out, are confused about what happens next, how to take the next steps and are simply so scared of the unknown they are left in a worse place - limbo.My very own experience of this saw me in a relationship for 12 years. Most of them spent hoping something would change, something would get better, he would change, it would all be ok.But in the end, for us to part, go our separate ways, or more specifically for me to change my life 360% was the best thing to have happened, for us both.As a result, Im happier and more successful in every part of my life, than I could ever have imagined I could be - especially during those hours of torment, trying to make a decision and falling head first into perceived issue, after perceived issue, after perceived issue.Was it an easy ride?Absolutely not, there was plenty of sweat and tears along the way and moments when I wasnt sure I would make it out alive - literally. But I did. I sit here now a better version of me with only gratitude on my heart, for all that came before my life so far.I am free.To live, love, to express myself fully, to be 100% all that I was meant to be. To be me.And you can be too.This program will not only open up the possibilities within your relationship, but within yourself too.Enjoy!


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