10 Easy Warm-ups for singers of all levels. Vocal warmups
How do you feel about vocal warm-ups?You may think they\'re boring and dumb.BUT they\'re an essential part of your development as a singer. They shouldn\'t be overlooked or half-assed to get to the more exciting stuff.Think of them like an insurance policy for your voice. A good warmup routine will instill a good singing technique into your mind and body. So, next time you try something too advanced, or you haven\'t prepped properly for it, it\'s the warmups (your insurance policy) and the good technique you have established from that which protects your voice. Even when it\'s YOU that\'s being dumb, trying to do vocal acrobatics that you aren\'t prepared for (oops).Warmups are VITAL for your voice. Good warmups will improve your singing. You won\'t even notice they\'re doing it, because you\'ll be too busy having fun and being motivated. I point-blank refuse to do a lesson without warmups, and I can\'t think of any respectable singing teacher that would skip over them.10 Easy Warmups makes it easy for you to look after your voice, and to have fun.We\'ve created a collection of warm-ups for you to use. Create a fun commute!Don\'t be frustrated when you\'re waiting in traffic; seize that opportunity to do our warmups and keep your voice ticking over.Slay your playlistWe show you how to keep your collection together in a playlist. Then we show you how to make a Spotify playilst which you can sync with your computer or your phone.
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