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Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards
Introduction; The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards; safeguarding vulnerable people This is part one of a two part course in mental capacity act and deprivation of liberty (soon to be replaced) training.Here in the UK, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, came into force in 2007.   The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were introduced to help vulnerable people who lack capacity to maintain their independence, dignity and rights to freedom but also protect them from potential and real harms.  These safeguards also provide direction for healthcare professionals, at any level of occupation, within the health and social care setting, whether that maybe a public setting such as the NHS or a private setting.  The safeguards are due to be replaced with Liberty protection safeguards in 2021.As a health care or social care team member, who works with adults in need, also known as vulnerable adults/persons, its important that to have an awareness of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of liberty safeguards and what this involves, so that you can take appropriate action and protect protect the welfare and freedom of choice of the adults that you care for.How is this course is deliveredThis course is provided in voice over still image, power point presentation style and written format which aims to support the many learning styles of individual students.  Pre-requisites:Students require time, attention, interest and an internet connection along with equipment to access the platform.  Please note that as the internet is undergoing reform to 5G that the weather and other variables will affect the signals and that 4G tends to be much more reliable.What this course providesThis course provides lifetime and unlimited access to training materials, a Udemy certificate of completion and around 2 hours of training.  There are links shared to various additional resources to supplement and broaden the learning experience.Upon completion of this course you will have a broad understanding of:The Mental Capacity Act is and how it is appliedEssential responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including the five statutory principlesWhat Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are and have a brief understanding of the Liberty Protection SafeguardsKnow what constitutes deprivation, restriction and restraintHave an awareness of what\'s involved in assessing capacity and best interestsPlease Note: That this course will challenge your notions, preconceived ideas and beliefs.  This is a broad overview of a subject area that is valuable course for yourself, family and loved ones, and for health professionals.  It is best studied along with the Safeguarding vulnerable people course which gives a good background to what is vulnerability, what is safeguarding, what is abuse and much more.Taking good care of those in our care is a wonderful gift, being able to provide care that is underpinned by a framework such as offered in this course supports your confidence in your capability, enrol today and empower you practice now.


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