How to Lead Children in Beeswax Crayon Drawing
1)for kindergarten teachers and parents on why we draw with beeswax crayons in the early years and how to start. Like Video already made2) how to lead class 1 children to draw from a fairy tale, and why we do it this wayLITTLE RED CAP with House and character for Person3) how to lead class 2 children to draw from a fable, and why we do it this wayCrow and Pitcher, Tortoise and Hare4) How to lead class 3 children to draw a cow, and why we do it this wayCow5) How to lead class 4 children in using stick beeswax crayons to draw a lion, and why we do it this wayLion6) How to lead class 4 children in using stick beeswax crayons to draw a horse, and why we do it this wayElephant, Horse, Eagle7) How to lead children in drawing Thor, Freya and Loki, and how we got to this point through four yearsThor, Freya and Loki8) How to lead children in using the scraping technique to draw a spring garden, and why we do it this waySpring Garden
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