Deal Detail
Manage Change Through Collaboration and Team Work
Are you due to implement a change at work and want to getit right?Have you ever tried to implement a change in your team tothen be faced with objections and negativity?Have you ever been part of a change at work and it wasmanaged badly from start to finish?Despite thefact we spend all our lives changing and learning, many of us never reallyenjoy change. Change can be difficult. Technological advances now mean that wehave even more change to contend with, not just in our personal lives but alsoat work. If you are a manager or team leader implementing changes at work thenyou are faced with not only coping with your own feelings about change but alsothose of your colleagues and team members.Because of myown personal experiences of change but also implementing change projects inorganisations I decided to create a course covering the fundamentals ofunderstanding change, focusing in particular on the people side of change. This coursehelps managers and individuals get to grips with understanding the emotionalimpact of change and how people can make or break a change process. In additionthe course will help you to understand why people respond to change differently some getting on board with the change project straight away whilst othersdigging their heels in not wanting to change.This is a shortcourse giving you the nitty-gritty of just what you need, including usefultips and information so that you are ready for action with your next changeproject. In many waysthis short course is the only course you will need to understand and implementchange. With every change project you work on you will build experience on topof this foundation of knowledge. What students say about this courseEnjoyed this course - very good recapof some basic change must-knows delivered in a friendly, positive way. (Ian)Excellent course. Especially enjoyedthe section on change avoiders and change chasers. Thanks ! (Varun)I got strong realisation towards myown experiences and emotional response to any change in work or personal life. Veryuseful indication on anatomy of change, team collaboration skills and things toconsider when rolling out complex changes. (Sandeep)The course ismade up of short videos, exercises and downloadable handouts. In addition tothis you have access to me via messages and discussions. Once you joined thecourse, you will get all updates and new lectures free of charge in addition tosupplementary material. There is also a 30 day money back guarantee if you arenot happy.


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