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Baltimore Catechism Vol I by Bennet Kelley
Baltimore Catechism Vol I : Paperback : Catholic Book Publishing Co : 9780899422411 : 0899422411 : 01 Jul 1999 : The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 1 from, Catholic Book Publishing contains the revised text of, the Official Baltimore Catechism No. 1 in a, user-friendly format and design. Written for Grades 3, 4, and 5, this Baltimore Catechism explains Catholic, doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features, including a large number of pictures to help children, understand each lesson. Extensive use of Sacred, Scripture demonstrates the basis of Catholic doctrine, and brings it to life. The New St. Joseph Baltimore, Catechism No. 1 from Catholic Book Publishing combines, a contemporary viewpoint and language with a solid, time-tested exposition of Catholic Church teachings.


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